Michael Oliver from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY metal detecting service 0434 985 992 was out metal detecting on Coogee Beach, then a report of a lost gold Rolex came in. I met with the owner Karen, she provided me with the search area and told me she just lost her Rolex yesterday afternoon. I set up my XP Deus ll metal detector and started my grid search. Unfortunately the Rolex was NOT found, I asked Karen things are not always where we thought we lost them. Karen had to get back to work, I asked Karen to file a police report and let the lifeguards know her details as it could of already been found. Karen was grateful and was positive I covered the search area. I was NOT happy with my search as deep down I believed this Rolex is still here just Not where Karen thought it was, that's ok I've been doing LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERIES for over 10 years now and I know all too well owners get the search areas incorrect many times, that's OK we are just human we all make mistakes. I went back to the south end of Coogee Beach, I then extended my search down to the waters edge. Just 2 gridlines outside the initial search area my XP Deus ll metal detector gets a high conductive NON-FERROUS T.ID reading and it's surface!! Deep down I knew I had found the Rolex. Just as I move the sand away I see this beautiful shimmer of GOLD and BINGO I am on the ROLEX!! A few people came over as they watched me metal detect they said great job Michael we watched you for a while your persistent on your search, we were confident you'd find it. that's a beautiful Rolex and the owner is going to be very happy to have her Rolex back.
I left the beach and gave Karen a call unfortunately Karen was busy with work and had to leave her Rolex in my possession for a few days. I then drove out to lock up to store her Rolex, 3 days later I met up with Karen she was so excited and told me the date on the back of the Rolex is when she found out she was having a baby girl. Karen said Michael this Rolex is really priceless as it's going to be a PRESENT to my daughter when she grows up. I wanted my daughter to have something special that I wore while she was growing up. This Rolex will have many memories attached to it, including Michael Oliver the Metal detectorist who saved the day.
You are most welcome Karen I'm very grateful I can help find your Rolex and keep this beautiful watch in your family where it belongs for many generations to come.
Karen gave me a big hug and left the beach with the BIGGEST smile I've ever seen, I love metal detecting as I get the privilege to help many people. On that NOTE I have another LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY on Bondi Beach SPOILER ALERT, Man lost his wedding ring and didn't tell his wife. I FOUND IT, his wife will see this on YouTube very soon.
I provide metal detecting services both on land and UNDERWATER for lost rings, lost mobile phones, lost wallets, lost keys, lost jewellery and so much more.
When you lose something special, I take great pride in getting it back to you.