Returned $5,000 in GOLD Bars to Owner @ Clontarf Beach
MICHAEL OLIVER from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY Worldwide Metal Detecting Services 0434 985 992 has been swamped with call outs over the weekend it was over 30 degrees Celsius, everyones at the beach losing their jewellery. Young lady on Cronulla Beach had lost Car keys, A bloke at Maroubra Beach lost his wedding ring. I found his lost wedding ring and he never told his wife he lost it, now she can see it on my youtube channel followed by 2 more lost rings in the water at Balmoral Beach and Wollongong. Amani just called me at 8pm last night explaining how she had lost her very unique bracelet, it had 4 x 24k gold bars attached to a bracelet total value over $5,000. Amani had very little hope of finding her NEW bracelet that was a present from her husband. I told Amani with confidence you lost your bracelet in the water of a special location at Clontarf Beach where the water starts chest deep than drops off to 25 metres plus deep, luckily you were standing in the chest deep water and you did not swim out a few feet into some serious depths of water. Amani agrees to meet me on the low tide today at 12 noon, G,day Amani how are you? I'm not feeling great. Michael had a hard night to sleep, I understand how you feel and not to worry I will find your bracelet today. Together Amani and I looked through her photos and luckily her mother took a video of the exact point when her bracelet was struck by a ball being thrown and I could actually hear the bracelet SNAP OFF!! Holy sh#t that was perfect timing your mother took this video, your mother is the person to thank today. I now geared up with my Blu3 Nemo dive system, Waydoo Subnado propulsion system along with my XP Deus ll metal detector. 10 minutes into the search I was attached by a dog who clawed the top of my head as I surfaced finding a metal spring and bottle tops, off to a great start haha, more people were in the search area making it difficult as Amani watched on to see the dog attack asking if I was ok. 1 hour into the search I get a high T.ID reading of 80 plus on my XP Deus ll metal detector just as I blast the sand away I spot this shimmer of gold right on the edge of the drop off, I reach down fast and pull this beautiful and heavy 4 x gold bar bracelet from the ocean floor. I EXPLODE with excitement out of the water Amani I got your Bracelet!! Amani raced down to the water with tears in her eyes OMG Michael you found it!! I thought it was gone forever, Thank you Thank you so much my husband is on face time now he wants to say thank you Michael. You are most welcome mate. It's my pleasure to help find such a beautiful piece of jewellery and return it to your wife Amani. Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Let your friends and family know I have over 10 years of lost items in lockup, if anyone you know has lost something we could have it here waiting for them to claim at LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY