Michael Oliver from LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY Metal Detecting Services 0434 985 992 has received many call outs this week, from Wollongong Beaches up to Palm Beach Sydney. We have helped find many lost rings on land and underwater, diving off a sinking boat It's been a crazy EXCITING week with all rings found thanks to owners putting us in the correct search locations.
Johann's son had just called and explained his father had just lost a ring on Freshwater Beach as he was walking from the water to where they were sitting on the dry sand. I got to Freshwater Beach within the hour and after speaking with the owner Johann, who lost his ring and explained it was a gift from his wife over 50 years ago. Johann's wife unfortunately passed away and it's really important I find this ring BUT FIRST, I explained to Johann NOT to worry about anything your in good hands, I will find your lost ring. You have my word on that mate. You lost your ring just an hour ago and you only walked a straight line from the beach. Too easy I'll have the memories of your wife back to you within the hour, I promise.
5 minutes into the search we find a few bottle caps to be expected on these beaches, now just 10 minutes into the search I get a great T.ID reading on my XP Deus ll Metal Detector, Johann and his son see my eyes light up with joy before we even dig the target they asked Michael how do you know this is our lost ring? I said when you do anything in life over 1,000 times, you get good at it haha. I just feel it. Reaching down with our Quest X-Pointer pro metal detector to locate the target. We see the glimmer of gold as I wipe the sand away shining up at all of us and BINGO all those beautiful memories of Johann and his wife are back on his finger where they belong❤️
Johann gave me a BIG BEAR HUG shouting thanks Michael. It's truly an AWESOME adrenaline rush for us to help so many people every year. This is NOT my JOB this is my LIFE, I love this. Johann you are most welcome mate, she's a beautiful ring that's going to be kept in your family for many generations to come.
finding lost wallets, lost phones, lost watches, lost bracelets, lost gold chains, lost bags, lost hearing aids, lost boat parts, lost earrings, lost keys and of course lost wedding rings are just a few examples of lost property we can find. LOST JEWELLERY RECOVERY is also a LOST AND FOUND SERVICE with over 10 years of lost property sitting in lockup if you have ever lost anything. Simply call us on 0434 985 992 we could have your property here just waiting for you to claim❤️💦💍👍